Every Situation is a Test

In both situations, you have to give a positive response. In case of achievement, you have to give a positive response. When you meet failure, you have to give a positive response.  This is tawakkul and ridha. It isn't correct to believe that if you get anything, that's a blessing; or if you don’t get anything, you have been deprived. Both are situations of test.  When you accept that both are tests, you will instantly be able to put your trust in God. Blessings will come in the Hereafter in the form of Paradise. In this world, there is no blessing. There is only test.

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Video Transcript

Tawakkul and radha means to be content with God's decision and to trust Him. To accept whatever has happened. Reflecting on the final verses of Surah Fajr (89:15-20), we realize that both possession and non-possession are tests. Achievement and failure, poverty and richness are all forms of test. When you don’t get something, do not yield to frustration. Because you forget that not having something is a test just as having it is a test. God wants to see your response. In both situations, you have to give a positive response. In case of achievement, you have to give a positive response. When you meet failure, you have to give a positive response.  This is tawakkul and ridha. It isn't correct to believe that if you get anything, that's a blessing; or if you don’t get anything, you have been deprived. Both are situations of test.  When you accept that both are tests, you will instantly be able to put your trust in God. Blessings will come in the Hereafter in the form of Paradise. In this world, there is no blessing. There is only test. Political power is a test. Wealth is a test. Children are a test. If you don’t have any of these, even then that is a test. Whether you responded positively or negatively is the test. When you take things as test, you will trust God. But if you don’t take things as test, the opposite would happen. This will be a case of failure.

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